Forums Thottbot Allakhazam Goblin Workshop WoW Maps
"NOBODY expects the Spanish          Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and          surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....          Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and          an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four* *Amongst*          our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise....          I'll come in again."
  Phear the Uber Sidebar                   
Latest Guild News and Site Updates
Bhaltair dings 53!

  Guild Tabard is created and can be obtained in various locations, namely in StormWind right next to Guild Master NPC. Cost is about 90 Silver.

Inquisition plays on the Bloodscalp PvP server. If you would like to          contact us in-game, please login to that server and message a member.         
This is not a rant site but it is hard to imagine having a WoW related site and not mention just how broken the honor system is. It really should be called the gank squad system. Rewards are severely tilted to the gangs of lifeless losers griefing better players who actually care to do quests and experience the game content the designers worked so hard to create. This isnt about gimptards running around and backstabbing toons 20 levels below them just because they love to grief. Thats gonna happen and we all know it. What it is about is the absurd system that penalizes you for killing an enemy npc 10 levels below you but does nothing when you grief someone paying for an account that is 40 levels below you.

I do not believe in pointless bitching so here goes some possible fixes.
1. Put higher level guards in lower level zones and lower level guards in higher level zones. Force high levels to defend their cities as opposed to running around sacking level 20 opponent towns. Its semi-retarded in its current state.

  2. Make killing toons more than 12 levels below you negative contribution points. Why? Because common sense wise it will improve gameplay. Justification? Call it enraging the enemy penalty or some such. Murdering women and children has always done that right?

3. Make the highest level rewards contingent upon winning 1 on 1 PvP battles not group zergfest BS.

  4. Offer level stealthing beyond basic color. Why do we know EXACTLY what level another player is? Make cowards man up and challenge more folks or stop pvp altogether.

5. Offer character transfer off of PvP servers for folks who were not hunted like cattle for honor points when they first signed up. 

  There are alot more but I will allow Blizzard to get working on these first.
Site revisions are ongoing so feel free to send me suggestions, custom images or anything else that may make this a better website.

Guild Officers:
Bhaltair, 53 Warrior, Guild Leader
Istark, 36 Mage, Treasurer(ML)
Zoeia, 35 Hunter
Jazander, 34 Priest, WebMaster
Kenneth, 20 Warrior others pending update.

  5-11-05 Banner created and added.

5-12-05 Images and Links updated/added

5-15-05 Sidebar populated.
5-15-05 Honor System Rant Added
5-15-05 Tabard Image Added(Thx Ken)
This website, nor its forum have any association with Blizzard Entertainment          Inc. Logos and artwork used on this site belong to thier respective copyright          owners. Images submitted from gameplay become our property.
The much anticipated instanced PvP system for WoW is up now on the test          server. Soon to arrive is the blockbuster 1.6 add-on, Headshots and Targeting          Reticules!
Head over to the World          of Warcraft site for more information on these exciting developments.
Forums Thottbot Allakhazam Goblin Workshop WoW Maps
Neither this website, nor its forum have any association with      Blizzard Entertainment Inc. Logos and artwork used on this
     site belong to their respective copyright owners. Images submitted from gameplay      become our property.
This website is © Copyright by J. Terrell/Inq.      Guild. .