Hey there, I'm having way too much fun with my new digital cam! I've got the uncontrollable urge to take pictures of just about everything! And lately I've been on a flower kick, most of which were taken right here where I live.

I love taking pictures and video.  Another passion of mine is art.  It fascinates me because art can be so many different things.  Not just a pretty picture but it can be sculptures, poetry, songs, and what's so cool about art is that it expresses that person, who they really are inside.  I love to write poems and stories, you can view them on my site.

I love being the center of attention and I will grab the chance when given.  I like to make people happy or laugh, so it's not very unusual if you see me making a jackass out of myself, hey if you can't laugh with me, laugh AT ME!!

I really won't go into any real personal issues in my life, well not on this site, so if you ever are interested in a more personal level with me feel free to ask me yourself, you can contact me through yahoo! messenger, I usually have that thing on if I'm at home under "tiredlilbitch" or you can email me at the link at the bottom of this page. :-)