Bean's Amazing Page

Friends | Calvin and Hobbes | The Farside | Canada | Comics | Bizarro |
Guestbook | Links |

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "HEY! this page isn't amazing!!" Ya? Well, then, if that's what you're thinking then-Hey! What's that behind you? (mwahahahahahaha)
Anyway, I put in a lot of time making this so try to pretend it's good at least.

This page is best viewed with two eyes. My apologies to the cyclopses of the world.

I like comics. I like THESE comics.
Farside banner
The Far Side
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes
Bizarro other humour

How many survivors of a nuclear war does it take to change a light bulb?
None, people that glow in the dark don't need light bulbs!

If any of you are crazy enough to want to know a little more about the creator of this magnificent webpage go here

Hey, as long as you're here, go look at my other page eh? Ramblings of an Idiot

Please Sign My Guestbook Take a look at my Guestbook

Some of my friends pages

Too Hot for the Eagle Spirit
Spike's page
The Soda Counter
Jacksmack's page
Tim's Page!
Shannon's Page
Taz's Page
Jon's Shelby Page!


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