

Alright, I suck at all this web page stuff. But I figured that I am back into a class room and I have a little free time. I wanted to add this currency converter, just because it is pretty cool. I found it one day when I was looking at some jobs over in Europe. oh well.. have fun with it. I think it goes by the rates of 20 Apr 05.


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If your web site needs an Online Currency Converter. Click here.



I will be changing these links so that they are more up-to-date and what not but I just need time to do so. Thank you for your patience.

Here's the page I made for the last class I took down in Georgia for the military. I made it for fun and to just kill time and to see if I could still remember the tags for html.

Yes...my stupid picture is still here...and it's still ugly...and still...e-mail me (w/ the link on the bottom of this page) and tell me what you think.

Yes, I know I havn't changed my page for Nessa in a while, but give me some time and I will get it done.

and go check out Nessa's web page that she made and go check out this link to the page w/ the Cali pics on it...I hope ya like 'em..

Lara.. you never cease to amaze me.. -shakes m'head-.. Oh, and good luck w/ you and -thinx-. umm.. can't think of his name.. but the guy from New Zealand.. -nod-..

This is the site m'lovely friend can has made..And I know we don't talk that often...but we are gettin' better then what we used to be.. -s-.. -kotc-..

I have to add this page. Mainly because I strive to be the best at everything I do - including sex. So why not take a look at this online sex guide . It's very helpful and is almost as good as a sex book, only FREE. Check it out and enjoy. >:- )

Here's a cool place to learn how to write HTML or JAVA...It's not that bad...I kinda like it. It also has a color chart and some graphics. Check it out..

Here's my site for my friends now, I'm not finished with it yet and I try to add friends when I can but it is kinda hard to keep up w/ it...Anyways, check it out if you want.

You have got to come check out my hash page. It's filled w/ pics of smokers enjoying their bud.

Page last updated 20 APR 2005