My thoughts about our Lord and Savior!
This page is for my dad...
This is about someone very special to me...
Something for my lady...
A dedication to Bruce Lee...
Bills, Bills, Bills!!!
Some things about Johnlove...
Here is a little bit more about me...
Something about Relationships...
Why Guys like Girls!
One of my favorite shots...
This is me in '96
Visit my chat-room from my old site!
Here is a help-page for you to use...
Money, Money, Money!!!!!
Don't drink and drive...
I believe in løve...Do you?
This is all about sex!
What I think about drugs...
Here is a very funny joke...
Check out one of my poemz

Other homepages...

A dedication ƒrom a special lady!
"Lightingbird"...the one who got me started!
Awatts homepage...
ApA's Bitch List!
ApA™ The page!

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