New Kensington Fire Department 56-2

New Kensington Fire Department 56-2
422 Freeport St.
New Kensington Pa. 15068

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New Kensington Fire Department #2 is one of 5 Companies in the city. We are located in the Northwestern corner of Westmoreland county Pa. We are 10 mile north of Pittsburgh. The City Fire Chief is in charge of all 5 companies. Total the city has about 125 members. New Kensington is 3.8 sq. miles and has 15,000 residents living here.


City Fire Chief: J. Edward Saliba
Asst. Chief: Bruce Davis
Captain: Dave Roberts
1st Lt.: Dan Felack Sr.
2nd Lt.: Dave Metz
Engineer: Dan Felack Jr.
Safety Officer: Tom Straub


President: Larry Davis
Vice President: Dave Roberts
Secretary: Perry Davis
Treasurer: Don Trzeciak

Company no.2 covers the Parnassus section of town and has about 3,000 residents living and working in the district.

We operate 3 pieces of equipment out of our station.

2008 Pierce Impel 1500 gpm Pumper. 750 gal water tank. 40 Class A Foam. Engine 56-2

2002 Ford Excursion. Squad 56-2

1986 Hendrickson Rescue. Service 56-2

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