IM = OutPartyn
Last updated:
January 20, 2009
<================ DreamPlanners
Information on planning an event such as a Wedding or other special occasion.

WORK IN PROGRESS - Just maintain for fun.
Hello, the name is Dollface and I am the official
and have been for about 23 years.

(Truthfully, you can say I've been OutPartyn everywhere except for on the outpartyn dot com site. Because after chatting on AOL with some Knucklehead in early 1999, the person decided to consume the outpartyn dot com domain name. That speaks a lot to integrity! Geesh, oh well, huh... Thus, over time, the site was born.)

This site is always under construction, so please check back often.   Meanwhile, please be sure to check out my multiple page site by clicking on the links. Move your mouse over an object to view links (see lower left hand side of your screen). *** Also, do not forget to scroll all the way down on every page. Have fun and make it A GREAT DAY!

~REQUEST A SONG if you like~

My advice to you ... LOVE YOURSELF

Enjoy the music ... click on any title to hear the specific song.

Link to MySpace for OutPartyn