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Journey Through My Pregnancy!
and more...
First let me start off  by saying thanks to those who read this I greatly appreciate any and all support and help You lend me. Thanks....

I write this with the intent of keeping track of my  memories my thoughts, feelings and opinions throughout my pregnancy and through motherhood.  Please do not take any of this to heart for I am not a Doctor. I am hoping that this journal will come of use to someone else in the future who has to go through what I am dealing with. I know how hard it is not to have people stand by you when you need the emotional support through a pregnancy so I hope that this can be of some help to people out there. I plan on updating this as often as possible. If I am slow at doing so be patient I will write eventually.
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Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Professional, Childbirth Educator, or Pregnancy Expert. I am not qualified to give medical advise. This sight is strictly for informative purposes, and is not intended to override the opinion of your healthcare provider. It is simply to be used as aguideline for normal, healthy, pregnant women; your healthcare provider is the only person who is certified to advise you on your particular pregnancy.
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