Well you found page two.  ta ta daaa!!!

You might want to know a bit

about us Sooooo;

Tigger ; is a 35 year old male that has been fine upstanding member of the armed services of these United States for more than fifteen years. He is a nurse and finds that after a couple of very intense occupations. I love just about anything that involves My Tazmanian Devil. She is the light in all my days. I enjoy the water diving and skinny dipping although it has been a very long time since either of us has had the chance. I guess that is my life; Taz, the water and life. I don't think there can be any more. My statement on life is, "Bend down and give it a kiss, it won't bite."

I'm a TAZ. I love to create little storms and stand back to see where the dust settles. A little spontaneous I suppose.  Life is an involvement sport so I try to touch the little things around me and experience the affects. I like old time rock and roll, cause it never forgets and it always forgives. Learning new things and meeting new people is always an adventure. Try to learn something new everyday and don't make the same mistake twice. There are new ones to make.  Laugh at least a hundred times a day and you'll stay young forever.  My tigger keeps me laughing and loving on a minute by minute schedule.  You couldn't have a better friend. My statement on life is "If you are living your life on the edge, you are taking up to much space"

So drop us a note at any time and check our philosophy of the day and we will share with you words of life and love.

There will be more later just you wait and see

tbaars@aol.com 1