AnalogX: Free apps, cool shit.
Icy Lock's Home Page

Icy's Pokémon TCG deck page - Umm...if I DO start this up again, I'll tell you. I lost all my mail :( But the decks will stay!
Icy's Video Game FAQ page - Small, I'll put stuff here when I do it.
Icy's Quake I, II, and III Homebase - Also only updated when I feel like it, and have something new.
Icy's MS-RAMDrive page - Don't mess with this unless you know what you are doing! It's cool, but can screw your system up.
Icy's Apps page, new Apps by me! - Yes, apps I write. Use at your own risk, functionality not guaranteed, no technical support.
Icy's Linux page - Just somewhere for me to stor the stuff I learn about Linux. Linux is pretty fun! But come look, there's some good help here! I'll make comments on the stupid mistakes that are easy to make.
Stupid stuff - Yes. In my boredom, I do this. It does nothing. Just make. Although the first item here is good. Kinda.
MP3 Toolkit - Updated 8/21/2000 (4.09 MB) It contains 3 example MP3s, 2 spawned from the first one. It has a text document explaining the methods used when encoding. This lets you use lower bitrates without losing as much sound quality. This is VERY good, as it lets you fit TONS of MP3s on a portable player! Good sound quality at 56 kbit/s. Also, has 3 WAVs, for inserting silence into the beginning or end of a clip with Sound Recorder. It's a very useful kit. Bundled software: MPeg Suite v1.5.5rB, Napster v2.0b7, FreeWipe (mine), Silencer (mine).
MP3 Toolkit+ - (2.58 MB)It's a program, which I use for...what else? Portable MP3 Players! It has other applications, like web browsing, and generating a list of random choices out of a list of choices if you want to make a medley!