Hello my name is Susan. The cute little tabby I'm holding is Oscar! This site is devoted to gardening. Every garden can evoke passion, excitement and joy. Becoming an avid gardener is a hobby enjoyed throughout a lifetime. Of course there is the trial and error period that all gardeners face. It is a challenge and a true labour of love. When meticulously tended, every corner is a harmony of texture and balance. Hopefully my experiences can assist you in planning, choosing and cultivating your gardens. The items listed below are extremely hardy, withstand cold winters, provide excellent colour, maintain their shape with some pruning and I assure you are the best plants to begin a garden. There are some perennials, shrubs and trees that demand extra attention but I state their needs and requirements. To access the name of a particular plant please place your cursor on the picture. This will enable you to identify the items in each category.