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Are You a Brave Soul?

I am Single, Intelligent, Witty, Good humored, Fun loving, & vibrant 45 year old Active woman who Loves Life's Adventures. . I am a true Aquarius . . We have high standards & insist on being treated with respect, with no compromise. . Sensitive, intellectual, we like Parties & People. . We are honest, direct & will bare our soul to those we care about. We are a giving people, always willing to offer advice to others. . We are not that eager to marry in the traditional sense and we seek intellectual stimulation foremost. . Capable of doing a mans job & seldom pick our mate based on what he can do for us. . We do require a great deal of love & companionship. . We need to be mentally intrigued by our perspective mate. . We cant live within a relationship that is domineering or restrictive & must feel independent in our existence. . We love to travel and experience new things.

Aquarius has astonishing intellectual and communication skills. This maybe the sign of the rugged individualist, the mad scientist and the lone eccentric, but this visionary also represents social interaction and higher consciousness. Aquarius' title, the "Humanitarian of the Zodiac," is well earned! For a fixed sign, Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. Attribute this to the need to accommodate others. A passion for life, new things, and novel situations sends Aquarius in all directions! Slowing down long enough to establish a solid foundation gives Aquarius the ability to ground her electrical energy. Receptivity can calm rebellious tendencies! Aquarius' future-oriented energies give all members of this sign the advantage of living as if they are well into the 25th Century!

I would like to find a Gentleman who I can share Life's adventures and pleasures with. Although I am easy going and open minded, I am very selective. I need to get to know a persons traits and characteristics before diving into a relationship. He has to be open minded as well, very self aware and confident. He cannot be a couch potato, jealous hearted, have a fragile ego or be over bearing. He does have to have Integrity, a kind heart, knows what he wants out of life and how to treat a lady. He should be comfortable wearing either jeans or a tux and enjoy all the activities that would require either attire. If you are not intimidated by an independent, strong willed woman who speaks her mind and think we have certain commonalities I would like to here from you.

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Page Last Updated: March 03, 2005.