* Dylan is the bestest boyfriend a girl can ask for. I loves my huney bunny. He understands my sick and insane love of Invader Zim and all things strange cause he's just as messed up as i am. hehe. We sit around and watch movies and cuddle constantly which is super fun and Im pretty sure we're the only two people on the whole planet who didnt hate alien vs predator. All we ever do is watch movies and cook yummy food so we're totally meant to be. We figure we were supposed to be twins or something but just ended up born to different people, im the right brain half and hes the left brain :) Eventually we hope to have a nice dome house and a gangster wedding in Cuba! Super fun. *hugs* My shoes hurt!!
* Jay and Brit, props gotta go out to the siblings since theyre always gonna be here and always be my best buddies. Brits always up for late night Sex and the City marathons and sitting around in our jammies lookin like hell, and who else can I drag to movies and coffee late at night in a blizzard then the one and only jay. I also got to dress him up as silent bob for halloween, we got him the coat and everything. This year he was the mad hatter and I was tinkerbell. Yay for classic literature. And he plays DDR with me cause hes the only one in KW who is a match talent wise. We serve everyone pretty good. Love em both!!
* Amy is my bestest espanola friend. We used to do coffee runs and listen to our kicken car tunes, "TEE HEE HA HA!!!". it was awesome. She lives far away from me know but phones do wonders in keeping friendships alive. Even if we do go broke. She got our little band together too. Amy and the Cashiers. So far we only have one song but its a really good song. *smiles* "must be free, made that today". Brilliant stuff! Shes taking massage therapy, finally found something she enjoys, and it works out nicely cause I can practiced on! She's my advice girl and I like it cause we can bitch to each other about everything. hehe. And we do. Shes also been there for me when I needed it most which i appreciate more then she can know. oh, and ... MARDI GRAS ONE DAY!!
* Liane is groovy. We go for walks all the time and get cappaccinos and penny candy. It's our hobby. She watched me get inked every time I've gone and said it was really nifty. Bob watched the whole thing go down too. She eats my orange candies. My brother thought we were sleeping together. hehehe. We love the buff singing guy from 'The Lost Boys', he's our man. "Thingy! Luuuvvv!" "Awwwww" She lives in Ottawa but im trying to get her to visit since me, dylan and sean are here! Three birds one stone, cept im the best bird. hehe.
* Jonny is my guy buddy. He has a cushy lap. He bought me and apple fritter once and I was sooooo happy. He gave me a neato burrito bubble pen from paris too. It was so much fun. He is Sir Jonny and I am Lady Sarah and we write fun letter to each other in class. He likes it when I label my doodles. One time me and Liane made Jonny pretty and put him in makeup. He was so perddy. One time Neely stole his car and parked it in a different space then ran and Jonny tried to blame it all on poor innocent Sarah and Hallie. Me and Jonny just wented shopping. I gotted a GIR dolly and we both gotted carebears, i made him, threatened really, but it worked and now he has a carebear which he loves cause oh, sarah was right again. BWA HA HA.
* Tina is my bestest waterloo girly. Shes exactly like me, but asian. oooh weird. hehe. We met in hell , otherwise known as hallmark, but perserviered and now we're best buds. We love going dancing together at Rev and going shopping. Who else can you talk about your sex life too really loud in the middle of hallmark! Awesome times. She's one of the funnest people I know and meeting each other made working at Hallmark worth it!
* Rev is an awesome friend. He keeps me updated on awesome new comics, music and shows and everything. Hes here for a while now which is groovy. He rents movies I "have" to see. Most of em have been good, I must admit. Mystery Men was just a little set back. He's also about the most sarcastic person I know but thats ok :) "Space ghost, he's the space most"
* Neely is the nicest person ever. Shes MY Neely, and she's NOT cute. We like to get poutine from Roger Rabbits (a resteraunt) cause it's awesome and cheap :) For Halloween she was the tooth faerie and I was the tooth demon. I went a little crazy with the glitter on her though... It was a shared effort, i violently pull the teeth out then neely gives em moneys.