*~*Fun at Lianes House Summer 2001*~*

Me and Liane hugging. I am wearing my nifty clash shirt that says "bollocks" on it. wheeeee.

Me and Jonny holding Liane up so she doesnt fall off the couch while James watches the tv.

*~*Fun at Country Style same day as above*~*

James is lookin kick ass sexy while Liane looks.... wierd, wearing three pairs of glasses at once.

Me and Jonny are cuddlin in our booth and trying out each others glasses, we both got head explody.

*~*Sleepover party at Lianes House*~*

Liane, Dana, Serena and Me. We're in a drunken heap, twas a fun filled night of bumpin and grindin.

Kate, Dana, Serena and Me. Yet another heap.

Serena, Me huggin Dana and Kate.

We had fun with pen tattoos that night. Here I am tattooing Kates soul on her. It looked like stinky from ren and stimpy

Here I am drawing again on Serenas boob. 1