Hello Stranger! 

 Why did you decide to check out my home page? Just curious? Or maybe you hope to find something intriguing about me? Then, you will be disappointed because I am not going to tell you any intimate details about my life. But if you want to know more about me, who am I and what do I do, you can find some interesting information here... I am not going to make you bored so I will try to write shortly and clearly. That is my first experience in this field, so I hope you will be kind to me... I am a good student and if you will check this page later you will find a completely different design.
Well... what to begin from...

My name      Tulenkova Alyona Victorovna (my friends call me Marquise)

Date of birth 15 May 1972 (here you can read about my Zodiac sign - it says right about
me - if you do believe in Astrology) 

Place of Birth Kolpashevo Tomskaya obl. RUSSIA (you can find some more info about
this region and Siberia in general here

Place of living  in 1994 I moved to Novosibirsk, the biggest city of Siberia. That is a nice
place  to live in. Right now I live and work in Moscow

Profession and education I graduated from Tomsk's Academy of buildings and
architecture where I studied economy and finances. I had been working
as an accountant for 3,5 years and now I work as manager...
  I am studing Network NT administration because
I am fond of computers...

My family  I grew up in a nice small family: my parents and my sister Natasha. Now they
live very far from me and I should say I miss them very much.
At this page you will be able to see their pictures

My Interests     Right now my passion is computers and I hope it will grow into my new
and hobbies profession...Besides I love Reading, Doing sports, Traveling, Listening to
all kind of good music, Cooking, Sewing, Visiting theatres, museums and movies.
And I enjoy all kind of outdoors activities... especially in a summer time

 So now you know a little about me. And   it is time to invite you into

M A R Q U I S E 'S    W O R L D

That's all for now... I am sorry if it seems stupid to you... Anyway I was glad to meet you on my home page and I hope we will meet again soon... I promise this page will be much more interesting soon : more pictures, better design and something interesting for you...

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