The peeing manfire


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Hi I'm matt, or DaMadHatter on Yahoo. If you've ever wondered what I really look like, click here. And now I have an amazing picture wheel thingy-ma-do. Look at my picture wheel. I'm 17 and 6'5. I enjoy many sports with football and basketball at the top. I reside somewhere with my parents and three bratty brothers. HEY LOOK... I have my page of attractive women now. I now have my own download room. I have EEK the Cat wav files. I plan on getting more. Visit Matt's Poetry Corner. Hey! check out this webring thing. It's not so cool, but go there anyway. I love The Simpsons and Austin Powers... He's groovy baby.

Austin Powers

"Do I make you horny???
DO I???"

Email me at
Please come back and visit me again.

New Rock News

I love music, and I listen to what some people call alternative. The Smashing Pumpkins are my fave band. New stuff by them will be out this February. I also like Everclear, Ben Folds Five, Nirvana, Stabbing Westward, Blind Melon, STP, and others.
The Butthole Surfers- I thought their CD was gonna come out some day (cover)
The Offspring- In my mind, they sold out with their latest
I got Rage tickets. Woo hoo! Latest cd's I've bought are Rage and NIN, both good. Heard STP's new one, and what I heard was ok, nothin spectacular. I heard the new bush on the radio and turned it off.

PICTURES!!! Now i would use thumb-nails and all that stuff but trust me, it just wouldn't have the same effect that way. Try them out and you'll understand. They're great fun.

Links to other stuff on the Web

My brother's page on stuff
A totally awesome Smashing Pumpkins page
My other brother's page (I helped)
See how compatible you and that special someone are. It's FREE!!!
Butthole Surfers page in true butthole style
Play jeopardy online. Can you beat my high score of 7000? Sure you can.
Download Shockwave to play all those great internet games
Shockrave- Tons of fun games, cartoons, and music with the Shockrave plug in
Download Real Player here. Good for music and video clips over the net
Lots of fun games like bingo and trivia stuff
Tons of free games online
Lots of concerts and interviews. Needs Real Player
The best place to search for MP3's or RealAudio files

     In conclusion, i hope you found this page thought
 pravolking, yet entertaining.  I hope you enjoyed it on
 as many levels as I do.  And most of all... 

I just hope you didn't think it sucked : )

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