Hot Tub Regs

One of Jezzy's oldest and dearest friends on the net. She was our Maid of Honor at our cyber wedding. Get in line, guys, she's available!

A nighttime tubber that is the reason for Jezzy becoming a Hot Tub reg. He has provided us lots of laughs and good times, along with some serious moments. Thank you for always being there for us and supporting our relationship from the very beginning. You are a true friend!! ((HUGS))

Where oh where has our Lorelei gone.....oh where oh where can she be?? *LOL* A very dear friend that we just seem to keep missing online. Get in touch with us, woman! *LOL*

A wild and crazy tubber that speaks his mind with wit and humor. It's been a pleasure to get to know ya *G*

Hawaiian Girl
Our "little sis" that we've known for a very long time and we are very fond and proud of. Keep being sweet and study hard!

Quiet and gentle tubber that always has a kind word. A very classy lady!

A tubber we have known for a long time. He attended our cyber wedding just a few days after we met. He is never without a sense of humor and razor sharp wit that sometimes gets him in hot water other than the tub water *LOL*

Our friend in Ireland that we're hoping to meet in Dublin on our "official" honeymoon. She's a lot of fun in the Hot Tub....we'll see how fun she is in the pubs! *L*

Right Here
A real sweet gal that we met a couple of months ago and have had the pleasure of getting to know. She always has a compliment to dish out when you're feeling down (and she sings too!)*G*

A sweet tubber that is always friendly and loves to share laughs. Her quick wit and humor makes her a pleasure to chat with!

A true gentleman and long time tubber. You'll find him to be very polite and a real fun guy to chat with.