I am Erin Ellis, dedicated(?) user of AOSmell. One day I decided to start using the internet. Look what happened! I enjoy music (vocal-- I'm an Alto 1); art, specifically drawing; acting; video games; anime (Japanese animation); and making cookies (then eating them!). I'm interested in fun things such as projectile motion and how it relates to dwarf tossing, and programming in outdated languages such as Turbo Pascal.
Very soon, this page will be moving-- as will I. I'm going to University of North Carolina in the fall, as you can see by the link at the bottom of the page. I'm psyched, I guess...
Read on! Sign my guest book! Tell me if the site is getting better, or what I should do to change! Most of all, enjoy yourself!
This is Mongolia, homeland of my calculus teacher. He is really a diatom from the bottom of the sea. For more information on diatoms, check out an oceanographer. Or, click here-- the California Academy of Sciences, diatom department.Well. Now that you know a little about what makes me tick, you're probably really afraid and are clicking the 'Back' button on your web browser as fast as you can. But for those of you depraved-- I mean, gracious enough to keep on reading, here's the pic of the update, the fun article update, and some places that I like to spend my time when I'm online.