My Friends

RJay, Joar
Joar is a great guy, here together with..... Linda:))
He is usually found in the undernet channel #Turkey .
What can I say about you Joar? You are one of
them guys that are fun to chat with, and (**roflol**) D'
me no more, Cathy sais.
Thanks for the help you have given me...(/sound brormin.wav)

Jeg synes sannelig det er på tide
at du også får deg en hjemmeside!
Joar og Linda i Las Vegas, 1997

"BaDDi" DeniZ
So when are we leaving? And I also say...never forget that you
have promised me a seat in the cockpit! **KNeggeR**
Looking forward to it as long as you dont push me out the
door, I just gotta jump myself;)))
Every night ya gotta cuddle up with yer cuuutie-doggie and
hug him and squeeze him and pet him and hold him for me:)

"RoNiN", Steve Carella
My good friend, The Detective..../sound fiveo.wav
He is normally (eeh..) always found in the channel
#Newfoundland .
Ronin is way to shy to be seen

"Ctech" and "bRAINsaw"
Located in Norway

Kebab was made for you guys!
DCC Send Ctech
I dont remember where in the IRC jungle I
met you two, but still ya are the most funniest
guys. Are ya too disappoited that I will not
open a Kebab-shop? But next time my brother
comes, we will make tha worlds best kebabs for ya!
This is my man, this is myyyyyyyy man


Dette er en kar til å bli sprö av Joar!

Sarsipius, Richard
Yer great Richard. Unfortunately because
of the 12 hour time difference we dont
chat that often, but the times we do, I
really enjoy it!
Vive Le Wrbf!

"Braddy" Çigdem
Located in Germany

Do you remember this one Braddy?, hehehe!
*Braddy squeezes Mishy very tight like the
bird you take into your bath and Mishy makes
exactly the same sound!
I will always be yer rubber duckie:))

Braddie thinks this is me:))

People of #NewFoundland - The Friendliest Channel
Clancy (I bet she is one of the best teachers around), Townie&Blynky, Ronin, sweet Apples, Blackie, Stat, Newfieboy, Newf1 and 2 and 3 and...all of ya!!!!!

People Of #Turkey
Kozy, RJay, TANGram , Raoul, Mcottengi, Baddi etc etc.....yer all grrreat!!!

Not to forget,Murat, yer a very nice friend aswell:))))

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