Welcome to Pekelo's...
A fit place for the curious and the strong
"Pekelo" is pronounced pay - kay' - low. It's a Hawai'ian transmutation of Peter...

~~ Perspective ~~

...from 1 million km above Koloa, Kaua'i, looking down on the Hawai'ian Islands,
one of the most remote landmasses on earth -- 2,397 miles from the nearest continent.
The first Hawai`ians probably arrived about 300 - 400 AD in large canoes
from the Marquesas Islands, about 2,400 miles away!

2001/03/04 02:58Z
Sunset approaches Hawai'i's main islands (center)
and the Marquesas to the south
{2001/03/04 02:58Z}

More views of Hawai'i from space @ Fourmilab
(Time sensitive - try hemisphere or world map view if it's dark)

Meanwhile, back in New Hamster...

Click for Franconia, New Hampshire Forecast

Autumn foliage, October 12th, 2001 Kayakin' pix...
American Goldfinch guzzles thistle... This hummer got stuck on fly paper...
Moose pix... Raina's getting ready to eat some worms in calcium dip, 62 Kb
Humans in the mist...

Photos from Seattle & Hawai'i, Dec., 2000

Haleakala, Feb. '99: full pic 70 Kb

Haleakala, Maui - Feb. '99
Haleakala, Feb. '99: full pic 82 Kb

Haleakala, Maui - 10,000 MSL

countless clickers since 2/16/98 can't be wrong!

What's going on in there... Pekelo's pages are certified safe for
most known types of kids and adults
What's going on out there...
No electrons were harmed
in the making of this web site


Wanna get away from it all?
Ever consider spending a year of your life in service to others?


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Hawai'ian music | Mattie visits Mickey Mouse | Pekelo visits Fabio

No matter where you go, there you are!

Hi Ho!

Web page construction by Pekelo 'Ikapi'i!
Web page design supported by Kona coffee
and the music of Slaid Cleves.

Watchu tink?

© 1998 - 2004 PGH