I'm sure that the majority of the people who visit here are no strangers to the fact that there is an over-abundance of porn and XXX material free for the viewing out on the internet.

I, myself, have done some adult surfing from time to time, and what I have come across shocks me. After bouncing around from link to link (some of which were not labled), I found some things that, quite frankly, had me overwhelmingly and completely disgusted.
I will not be providing any of the links, images, or site names as this is intended to be a warning and informative page, not a starting point. I am talking about child porn. Not only is it out there, but it's in places that anybody can find it. There was no age verification or filter software, and the majority of the sites were in a language that my browser did not support (I know which one, but I prefer not to say as I would rather not unintentionally point someone at a site).

In fact, some of the sites were titled so obscurely that even the prudest person could mistakenly wind up there. I found everything from pictures that appeared to be intended as artwork instead of porn (like a child asleep with their mother), to blatent perversion (what I would call rape plain and simple). And as mentioned before, there were no filters such as Net Nanny or Cyber-Sitter so ANYONE could view them... including children!

For those of you wishing to avoid such places, here is something to watch out for:


Here is Websters definition:
Main Entry: Lo·li·ta
Pronunciation: lO-'lE-t&
Function: noun
Etymology: from Lolita, character in the novel Lolita (1955) by 
Vladimir Nabokov (also made a film later)
Date: 1959 - a precociously seductive girl

Lolita in the porn industry is used to signify underage and pre-teen.

These are two excellent resources for information and how to stop child porn:


My research continues and as I find out more, I will post it. Soon I hope to have here some of the laws that are supposed to protect us, what the world governments are doing to enforce it, and interviews with some leading ISP's now how they are taking steps to try and prevent child porn from spreading.

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