I Was Born in 1976

That makes me 26 this year. To be exact, the date was June 16, 1976.

I am Aileen Dagta Perez, I am a Chemical engineer. I am very happy that all those years I spent in college came to fruition when I passed the Chemical Engineering Licensure Exams early year 1997.

I am presently working as a Cleanroom Contamination Control Engineer at Western Digital Malaysia, under Process Engineering Department. I just got here last january 2 and i still havent adjusted that well here. It's quite tough to be alone. Things have been easier for me though, now that Cryst is around.

I used to be connected with Read Rite Phil. Inc. I worked there as a Material Science Engineer for Ongoing Reliability Monitoring (for Maxtor Program) and for Cleanroom Contamination Control for almost 2 years. I was with Analysis Engineering Department - Quality Assurance Division.

I was also an instructor at the De La Salle University since June 2000 to November 2000. I used to belong to the Chemical Engineering faculty. Been with them for two terms and i really enjoyed teaching!!!! I still think of going back to teaching later and maybe pursue my PhD (wow! i hope i can do this...hehehehe but i gotta finish my thesis in MS first before dreaming and thinkin about this further)

I had a part time job as a research assistant (also in La Salle) for an ongoing project on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment and Management. This is for a research programme on Environmental Technology for Asian Countries.

I took up Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at De La Salle University, Manila. I have finished all the academic units already. I stopped for a while though, because of this job in Malaysia. I have to work on my thesis to finish the degree.

I just got married to Cryst Perez. He has been my boyfriend for 1 yr. and 6 months before we tied the knot last December 29, 2001.He is so sweet, very responsible and very caring. Im not just in love with him, i am also in love with his whole family :-) We've had our share of past relationships. But, ours is different, it's something extraordinary. Hope we could work this out cause i really love him so much.

Please check out the link "Cryst & Me" to find out where we met, how we got close, how we fell in love and to see some pics of ours(the ones taken when we went for a vacation in Singapore).

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