Welcome to EFY97: Treasure the Truth: Session 5

Last updated: 30 MAR 98, 1:43 PM AM

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  What is EFY? 

ATTENTION!! I am now in Romania on mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have e-mail and ICQ, please feel free to mail/ICQ me. Ltgort@hotmail.com and 1327226. Thank you.EFY is an acronym for Especially for Youth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints produces it. Although it is created for Mormon youth, you do not need to be a member to participate. It runs throughout the summer. Each session lasts one week: from Monday afternoon to Saturday morning. I have always gone to the Brigham Young University session, but it is held all over the United States and Canada. There are three dances, a service project, an Olympics, a large activity such as a concert by great LDS artists and bands, and testimony meetings. You stay on campus in the dorms. There is so much more to EFY than I can type on one web site


  The EFY Site explanation:  

EFY is one of the best places to find dancing, indoor and outdoor games, new friends, awesome counselors, dynamic speakers, extraordinary firesides and testimony meetings, incredible counselor activities, good food, fun service projects, and great memories. Whew! And all this in one week!

  My Thoughts On EFY: 

EFY is the best experience in my life. I have made friends and memories I will keep forever. I have attended EFY three times. I have attended EFY 95, session 2; EFY 96, session 2; and EFY 97, session 5. This year was my last because I will turn nineteen, but I am going to be going on a LDS mission. Maybe when I get back I will become an EFY counselor. It must be the perfect way to spend a summer. I get paid, I attend EFY for an entire summer, and I get to travel around the United States and Canada. Nothing could be better.


Note To EFY Friends

You guys are so awesome! Every time I think about EFY, I get excited, and sad. I'm excited I got to meet all of you. You are some of the best people I've ever met. You're the best! But I'm sad because I won't get to share that experience with you again. Please, if you go again, enjoy it and get as involved as you can. Get out of your comfort circle, you won't regret it! I love EFY, I love my counselors, I love my port, company, and crew. You guys are awesome role models! You girls make everyone feel involved! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Going to EFY can be the best experience of your life!


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