Hi There!

I don't think we see that at the top of homepages nearly enough, do you?

I was still in High School when this picture was taken but I still look the same.

                    This was taken NewYears night '97-'98 at a 
                    bar my mother works at in California.  The
                    man I'm playing with is a friend of my
                    mother's.  This was my first live
                    performance.  We mostly played old
                    Eagle tunes, a little CCR.  I got to debut a
                    couple of songs I had written.  I'm playing
                    "Painter" in this picture.  It's a song I
                    wrote for an Uncle who lost his wife.

                    If by chance you stumbled across this page
                    and you are NOT my friend from Singapore,
                    feel free to send any encouraging words my
                    way to BruceWas@juno.com.

                    If you are in no way impressed with me or my
                    dinky page please send your thoughts to 

Have a glorimous day...

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