June 18th, 2001

In Fresno...

Another slow day today... slept in for probably the first time this entire trip. Woke up to find Sandy had left for the morning and left a note basically giving me and Alie the run of the house.

I go for a swim after waking up a bit, then do some work getting caught up on my site journal pages. Around 11:30am I wake Alie up, since we're going to Yosemite tommorrow, I figure it'd be a good idea for her to actually sleep tonight.

Basically... we spent the earlier part of the day planning the route for the trip. Actually, it's currently the 19th and I've just gotten back from Yosemite. Go read the journal entry for the 19th. Trust me. Today was rather boring and I didn't take many pictures. Now scoot. Go read the 19th. It's got pictures and stuff. Lots of pictures.

Are you still here?

This journal entry is over with.

Go away.

Are you still reading this?


PS - It looks like my picture file server is down... so... you'll have to wait for the June 19th update...

Page Created: 6/18/01 Last Updated: 6/19/01