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Welcome To
The Icey1's

The Anhinga


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen..........

I just had to take this time and create a website that defines the new me......Married, In LOVE, living in Florida, and finding a new oneness with nature and other living creatures (As long as they aren't children or idiots for christ's sake, I mean really let's not get crazy.....)
As you can tell living in PARADISE has mellowed me out quite a bit....

Kathy and I were married on the Sanibel Causeway at 11:00am on 06-14-2003. Since meeting Kathy, my life has changed for the better. We love walking the beaches of Sanibel,(which have I mentioned is PARADISE?) we have seen the MOODY BLUES in concert,I have been the chauffeur CHEAP TRICK,and the POINTER SISTERS band, met a POINTER SISTER (not really a sister but that is another story sort of related to the next group I write about HINT HINT.)But the best group I have seen in concert (no offense to Morris Day and the Time) without a doubt in my opinion was and is THE TEMPTATIONS.who as you can see we met and hung out with....what can I say I am a star struck name-dropper....LOL. I have many funny stories but click here for my favorite

The End of The Causeway