Now above all this story is true.
Kathy has lived in Florida alot longer then I have and we both have a thing with sharks, she wants to find their teeth and I want to catch one. Well in October of 2000, Kat and I went to Bowman's beach on Sanibel Island to do some shelling. Kathy was walking a few feet in front of me (at that time I was still a novice and stopped for anything I thought looked cool.) and I looked down and saw this. I picked it up and ran to Kathy and said "LOOK HONEY IT'S A SHARK TOOTH!!!!! she replied No it's a piece of wood or a rock.....I said No Thats jealously rearing its ugly head......Long story short she had to tell me I was RIGHT. :) It was Identified by the Bailey-Matthews shell museum as a meglodon (sic) shark tooth that was MILLIONS & MILLIONS & MILLIONS of years old and I am talking with Mastercard to do a commerical.

Toll to the causeway......$3.00
Lunch on the causeway............$10.00
Hearing your woman say your right......PRICELESS