Shredded Chicken with Oyster Sauce

  1. The ingredients for this dish are 350g of chicken meat(shredded), 4 dried mushrooms (soaked and shredded), 1 tablespoon of ginger(shredded), 2 cloves of garlic(chopped), 2 stalks of spring onions, 2 red chillies (shredded) and 1 egg white.
  2. First prepare the seasoning sauce by using two tablespoon of water, 1/4 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of osyter sauce, 1/4 tablespoon of dark soy sauce and one tablespoon of cornflour.
  3. Then, season the chiken meat with one egg while, salt, sugar, 2 tablespoon of cornflour, 2 tablespoon of water and oil.
  4. Mix well and set aside for 30 minutes.
  5. After that, deep-fry and drain.
  6. Next, heat 2 tablespoon of oil in the wok.
  7. Then, add garlic, ginger, mushrooms, red chillies, spring onion and chicken into the wok.
  8. Stir fry and add 1/2 tablespoon of wine(optional) and seasoning sauce.
  9. Serve hot and it's done.

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© Hock Choon, Lim