My PiCtUrEs

Here's a ZEO of taken September and October 2002!

Here's me in 1999, with my braces :# choo choo!! lol :)

Speaks for itself...(2000)

Different poses of my High School Grad pics...1999 (Ugly, I know! No laughing! :P)

I was 7 years old in this pic (I think)

Here's 2 pics of me and my brother. I don't remember how old we were in these pics.


[Marg's Pics] [All About Marg] [Family Pics] [Friend's Pics] [Alexis' Pics] [Ashleigh's Pics] [Family 2005 Pics] [Zoo Pics] [Lil Margie's Pics] [Lil Margie's Pics 2]