This is a brand new site which presents a personal view of life in a city. I hope it's something different and you enjoy it. I have created all the content, yes including graphics. I went out and got some photos which you don't always find in th broshures
Please read as much as you like and fill out the guestbook/survey! Tell me what you'd like to see here
I will be eternally grateful!
Daily Life Animals Landmarks Food Sport
Aust. currency  The Possum   Crown Casino Meat Pies   Australian Rules Football 
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I've created a survey/form to get some feedback about this site from you. This site has been created as part of a Communication project for my English Class. I have to write a report about how well I communicated. Filling out the survey will greatly help me! Add your homepage and I'll visit it. Get some free advertising!
Disclaimer - The contents of these pages are totally the opinion of the author. They are probably biased (especially when it comes to the sport section) and not totally comprehensive since I didn't consult an encyclopaedia.
I don't know how to copyright this exactly. But believe me it's intellectual copyright of me, Ninjabread, so don't just nick all the pictures and words ok. Write to me if you'd like any of the pictures or any others that I may have that aren't here.