Well.. the title up there says it all, huh? Life in form four is, well, life in form four! Only what comes with it that matters. See, there are more things to do, more responsibilities, more homeworks, and erm... 'challenging' teachers. No offence to other teachers out there. :)

But hey, you didn't come in here to hear me lament 'bout my problems and stuff, right? So browse around in my page. Sad to say, I have only ONE picture in my homepage SO FAR. So, don't cry... more are coming. Check out my links and aiyah.. browse around-lah!

Oh yeah, I just wanted to say that now (form four) is the best time to create memories that will be remembered till kingdom come and perhaps... even after. So go out there and just give a smack and a hug to anybody you see. You'll definitely never forget that moment for the rest of your life. And hey, if you do happen to cross my path .... give me a hug too, kay?

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Copyright 1997 by Charis Liew. Last updated on 3rdAugustl 1999.

The music you are listening to is "I finally found someone" by Bryan Adams and Barbara Streisand.