Heylo, and welcome to...

Where it's always morning...

Good morning (I say that 24 hours a day so it doesn't really matter if it is or not) & welcome to Amy Land!!! There's lots of cool stuff on this page (well, I think so) such as pics from various places and events, poetry, bands etc...
Also, if you don't have the font Flexure installed on your computer, you'll be viewing this page in boring old yucky Times New Roman! NOOOOOOOOOO! Well, my friends, we can't have that any longer! Download flexure.zip right now and view this page in a much prettier way :) Plus, it's a great font, one that everyone should have! (Naturally you'll need Winzip to download it)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my visit - feel free to sign my guestbook (down the bottom)!!! Thankyou, come again! :)
Love always,
Amy xoxo

This page is best viewed with a computer :)

As of the 16th of April, 1999 this many people have visited my little page! :)
Site Fights Spirit Counter
Yes, well there were about 6000 until siteflow.com decided to stop existing...hmmph...

My Thoughts and Ramblings



My Year 10 Formal!!!
(quite a few pics)

All about ME!

My Virtual Photo Album
(baby photos, misc photos, Queensland '97 & '98 photos)

Pic of me

Poetry (updated 17/07/99)

Amy's Poetry Page

My Sex Gods!
NEW! IMPROVED! But under heavy construction :)

Queensland Photos

The New and Improved "Mmm Bop"!!!


Kurt Cobain/Nirvana



My dedication to the most lendary show on earth, Friends

Or, if you don't wanna look at my whole Friends page, here is a summary of the show.

All suggestions/comments/death threats can be sent here.

Also, if you have PowWow, you can page me here. This is a great program, but I never use it...it doesn't work, I think I deleted part of it...anyways, if you don't have it you can get it here.

If you have ICQ, my UIN is:um, let's see...shit, I'll never remember it...wait, yeah, okay: 2597415...there ya go! :) If you don't have ICQ, you're probably better off, but if you want to be flooded with endless chain letters, you can get it here.

Oh yeah, feel free to sign my guestbook...if you want to...You want to...you want to...you want to...(does hypnotism work over the internet?)

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Page last updated 17/07/99

This page is hosted by the very nice Geocities type-people. Get your own Free Homepage!

Thanks to Ash for the MIDI thing on here (I stole the code off you *g*) GO JAMES BOND! *ahem* When I find something better I'll put it on...

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