We strongly feel that a guild is only as good as its worst member. Therefore we have established some strict guidelines for adding new members to the guild.

01. Pledges must be level 46+ to be considered for membership and must obtain level 50 by the end of 3 weeks.

02. All Pledges must be sponsored by an active member of CoE. Their name will then be placed in the "Training" forum for no less then 24 hours for guild opinion and feedback.

03. After guild feedback officers will vote on adding the pledge to CoE, waiting, or denying membership. This vote will be based on guild feedback, classes needed, personal experiences with the pledge, personality behind the character, and of course knowledge in their class.

04. Once it is agreed to add a Pledge to CoE a vote will again be taken as to starting their trial period, or in some cases waiving it all together. The trial period lasts for no more then 3 weeks and may be shortened if a majority of the officers agree to do so. During this trial period the pledge will carry the CoE guild tag with access to chat but not have access to the private section of the board. The pledges name will also remain in the "Training" section for everyone to continue to give feedback as to how this new person is working out.

05. Only 1 Pledge may begin their trial period every 2 weeks. This was done to prevent the guild from growing too fast and the members losing touch with each other. Anyone who has their trial period waived does not count in regards to the "1 person every 2 weeks rule".

06. At the end of the trial period an officer vote will be taken and a decision made as to add the Pledge as a full CoE member, extend his trial period, or remove him from the guild. This decision will be made based on guild feedback, conduct during trial, and how involved in the guild the Pledge was.

07. Roxi will be in charge of adding new guild members, giving board access, and maintaining the guild roster. No other members or officers are to add members or give out any passwords.
