Andrew Stewart's Homepage

10 Years

I have now had this site up for 10 years.

My Sites

This is a list of my other websites and blog.
My Photos on Flickr.
YouTube Videos collection of videos.

9 years

Wow, I have had this site up now for 9 years. It has been a long time. Longer than most dot com companies. Really I am impressed that Geocities is still around.
I am not sure how many people who started at Geocities at the same time I did are still around.
On a recent flight to Osaka I had this awesome view of Fuji-san.
See, no matter where you go in the world. This sign remains the same.
I was doing some hiking in Yamaguchi-ken. This lake is near Kudamatsu, but I don't remember the name of it. I realize that I am not the best photographer in the world, but I thought I would go ahead and post my pictures here. Maybe some of you will think they are interesting.