Possession or Sale
- Less than 1 oz. [ 0 - 1 years ] + 1,000 $.
- Greater than or equal to 1 oz. [ 1 - 10 years ] + 1,000 $
- Greater than 5 lbs. [ 3 years MMS ] + 25,000 $.
- Greater than 100 lbs [ 5 years MMS ] + 50,000 $.
- Greater than 500 lbs [ 15 years MMS ] + 100,000 $.
Cultivation, Delivery or Sale
- Cultivation [ 0 - 10 years ] + 100,000 $.
- Involving a minor [ 5 - 20 years ] + 20,000 $.
- In a School Zone [ 0 - 20 years ] + 20,000 $.
Drug Trafficking Enterprise
- Greater than 50 lbs but less than 2,000 lbs. [ 5 years MMS ] + 100,000
- Greater than or equal to 2,000 lbs. but less than 10,000 lbs. [ 7 years
MMS ] + 250,000 $.
- Greater than or equal to 10,000 lbs. [ 15 years MMS ] + 1,000,000 $.
- Possession [ 0 - 1 years ] + 1,000 $.
- Third offense [ 1 - 5 years ] + 5,000 $.
Driver's License Suspended at least 6 months , reinstated only with "Treatment".
Professional License Suspended.
2nd Drug felony is punishable by [ Life ]. |