irene's world of backgrounds

NOTE: Please do NOT link directly to these graphics,
or it would slow things down here too much!!!

You may choose from among these graphics and upload them to your directory or server.

FREE BACKGROUNDS.....go and tell your friends about them!
Background_01 Background_02 Background_03
Background_04 Background_05 Background_06
Background_07 Background_08 Background_09
Background_10 Background_11 Background_12
Background_13 Background_14 Background_15
Background_16 Background_17 Background_18
Background_19 Background_20 Background_21
Background_22 Background_23 Background_24
Background_25 Background_26 Background_27
Background_28 Background_29 Background_30

These are all original graphics that I have made.
You may use them for personal purposes only.

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