Welcome to the EOD correspondence page. This is an invitation to all of you would-be phony reporters to submit stories, media and other ideas to EOD News, or it's print counterpart Daily Globe Monthly. I'd like funny fictional or non fictional news reports, silly movies, stupid sounds, movie, tv, or music reviews, essays, editorials, cartoons, WHATEVER! Become a member of the EOD Volunteer Correspondence Force and recieve 1)A Press Pass that ensures you getting thrown out of many newsworthy events 2) A FREE subscription to Daily Globe Monthly (it's free anyway, though) 3)The respect you deserve! (DISCLAIMER: Respect may of course mean ridicule, and EOD News, Daily Globe Monthly and all its affiliates reserve the right to use these two words interchangeably) If you'd like to contribute, or you'd like to subscribe to Daily Globe Monthly, email the EOD News Desk.Include your name, street address, and provacative photos of yourself. Get crackin!
All EOD News Sites are by Shawn Hambright unless otherwise noted. Most images have been swiped from other peoples pages,
so if you are one of the few I have taken from, email the address above and I'll remove them promptly. Even though the images will be up only for a few weeks...whiney baby.