
Sign Our Guestbook View Our Guestbook

!!Hi To EveryOne On The Realm Of Class 4/5 1997 of Cedar Girls' Sec School's Homepage. Please drop a few lines in our guestbook after visiting.Most of us,by now,are in different junior colleges and will be going our own separate ways.If u wish to contact anyone of us,do e-mail anyone of us below.THANX FOR VISITING.

The ABCs of 4/5 - year 1997

Alluring, Benign, Compassionate, Divine, EnchantÊ, Flamboyant, Graceful, Humourous, Intelligient, Jewel, Kind, Lyrical, Myrrh, Nymphal, Optimistic, Picasso, Queenly, Radiant, Such a cutie, Talented,Urbane,Vivacious,Whimsical,Xtra-ordinary,Youthful,Zesty!!

The A-Z of Friendship

Anyone has pics of our aikido lessons, graduation nite and 40th anniversary dinner, kindly pls pass them to jacinta or weisin.Thanx Anyone who has a scanner, pls contact jacinta and weisin.Thanx.(cos we are in need of 1!!!)

3/5 - 1996 | Our Family Album | Our Pride | Pictures of the Old School| Pictures of the New School| Cedar's Official Homepage| Singapore Schools Web Sites

I Seek You(ICQ):-
Internet Relay Chat(mIRC):-
(Pp, go to #Cedar channel)
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Greeting Cards :-|

us at:
Chan PeiLin| Ho Wei Sin| Seah Jingting| Chye Sze Yie| Tan Yuet Yee| Tiang WeiLeen| Jacinta | Ng Huimin| Wong Seen Yuen| Shum Chee Ling| Teng Lee Yen| Lim Meiting|Lim Weiling

Personal Homepages
Jac's Homepage
Visit my homepage if u wanna know more about Code Red.

Hey 4/5 gals, if u want mi to help u create A personal page, send mi an e-mail with wat u want to have in it. It will juz be a simple page with ya info, hobbies,....

Hey 4/5 gals,if u need help in the creation of a homepage,u can approach me too!!!WeiSin

This page is maintained by Jacinta. Suggestions to be mailed to