Some Nice ppl to bump into

Here are just a few of the regulars not in chronological order neither likes orders heh! They are all good ppl a chance not to miss!!!

  • Pauagirl - a sweet loving friend
    Melmel - a very cute irc friend
  • Qubic - a sweet loving friend
    Sinn - a nice guy in New Zealand, the land of too many sheeps
    Glenn - Friendly irc guy teaching in univ... he could be a valuable source of information and help! :-)
  • Ring - a sweet gal and her nick represents never ending friendship cus she's RING!
  • CalvinK - a nice cool guy into the fashion trend with his fix specs
  • Karhou - seems bit like Kermit the cute frog, loving guy who loves life and roses
    BomBomBa - ummm... cool guy!
  • Neko - I think shes changed her nick!
  • CKCHANMAN - Dunno what's happened to him, he tells me get picked on by GNR *shrug*
  • GNR - He's the one with red hair and the girl on the left is Apple *i think GNR has changed nick too*
  • Sansan - Wedding Site

    Here's a high to the new arrival!

    Maria (cutie_babe)

    Oh.. sorry to all those left out but if you wish to be added drop me a mail.
    Oh, and if you wanna show ya pic here, no problem just send that too.