The Shootout at

Hawk's Nest

Saturday December 23, 2000

Winter Break started out on the right note --guns and beer.  Here are some of the pictures from the night.  More are available at  It has all of the pictures on it (about 70) and is about 6 Megs.

Look at this bunch of badasses

The day started out with the skeet shoot, in which the Hawk's prevailed
(mostly due to home-field advantage)

We convinced Tim it was a great idea to be a didn't take
much convincing

During the skeet shoot, a stray bullet hit a turkey...might as well cook it.

Deep Fried to perfection

Big Cat just couldn't get enough of that bird

This smear game took over an hour to play
Adams--why don't you throw the Joker on the first hand so they can win

"Tim, shut the fuck up, or you're gonna get jacked"

"You asked for it"

Tim- when are you gonna learn?

And, like usual, we got a great idea at about midnight.
Let's pile 11 guys on this tractor and it's trailer and take it to the sandpit
in below zero weather.

Big Cat--"I just want it to be known that, for the record, I don't think
this is a good idea, but I'm gonna do it anyways."

D--"I don't see any way that this could possibly go wrong"

   people agree that Tim was a jackass that night

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Last modified 1/2/01 by Ryan DeDecker