Art... what is art? What defines something as being "art?" Who has the right to judge who or what qualifies as art? I believe art is a personal expression, an opinion, a visual perception of how an individual sees something in their own life, or life in general. Therefore, music, drawings, poetry, paintings, architecture, and everything else that constitues this grand category can not be judged fairly as good or poor in quality. Uniqueness does count however. Art is something that I look at as an individual's idea. By me going and viewing or reading something one has put on display, I can only take in that new idea as an opinion, a thought, one's ability to communicate feelings, thoughts, desires, wants, needs, experiences, or anything else that has triggered emotion, positive or negatively.
A person may not be fond of something, like I do not like rap music much. Perhaps because I don't understand it, I don't know the artist personally to understand what they try to communicate, it does not fit within the bounds of my own personal morals, ideals, beliefs, or things I am interested in.. My display here represents things I myself have completed, challenges I've overcome, thoughts I've developed, goals I have, things I desire, things that I found unusual and beautiful, things I've somehow related to, or things that reflect my ever developing inner character.
Double click on the small version for a larger version of A Sample of My Expressions of Visual Communication:
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