I just want to thank all my friends for being there for me whenever I
needed them.*Warm smile* I love you all!
iѧäÑé aka Alexis : Ali...*HUGE HUGS* This girl is one of my greatest friends, we've been trough so much together...both good and bad, and we still are friends! That could mean only one thing...real friendship never dies! Thank you Ali for showing me that.*S*I love you girl, with all of my heart! No matter what, I will always be by your side...*hugs&koc*
bLaZe of gLoRy aka Death of the Phoenix : Well, what can I say? You made me realize that true love does exist. I hope everything turns out great for you.*warm smile* I will always be there for you, whenever you need a friend just call my name. *still holding your hand...s* Keep the faith!!! (Still soulmates?*S*)
C...My ex. boyfriend :
I love him with all my heart and soul, I would give my life for him. U gave me all that I've been looking for, you filled my life with joy...*S* I wish you the best in life sweetie...really do and I hope you find what you are looking for *hugs tight*.
Christopher Blackthorne : Hey there...*S* Just want you to know that whatever happened in the past, you are still a great friend...*S* I miss you though...get your a** back into chats...*hugs*
Ðëä†h Ðëä£ër™ : Glenn!!! You are the greatest!!!*HUGS* Thank you for listening at me when I'm going on with my probs...*KOF* You are really a sweet friend, honey...and I feel I can trust you even if we just got to know eachother better. I want you to know that I'll be there if you ever need me...or if you just wanna chat.*S* Take care...hope to see you soon again!*koc&hugs*
DA - divertedattention : *pets* I don't know you that well yet but already I think you are a very sweet guy...I think we will become good friends...*nods**hugglescuddlessnuggles...and all that**smiles*
Gero : *smiles* I think you are a very sweet guy...don't ever change...*smiles* And I like your new banner...*nods* Take care, key?
~Hope~ : My R/L friend. I love you so much and even though we don't see eachother that much anymore you're still gonna b one of my best friends.*S* I will always b there for you and I know that you always are there for me...I love ya!*koc&hugs*
JoJo : My real life friend! Finally you are back from Chile...*lol* and pregnant...*grins* I'm sure it will be a QT...*hugs you tight* So glad that you are home again girlie...*S*
Jen : This girl is just so much fun...*L* and she is the only one that always is around when I am...all the time that is...*lol* I love to rp with you and to talk with you. And you should know that you are a great rp'er...*nods* take care now...*smiles and huggles*
L@dy Sn@ke : My real life friend!*S* We've been trough a lot of good times and a lot of laughs! *koc&hugs* You are the only person I know that can be as crazy as I am...*LOL* I love you...*hug*
Leigha : Leigh is a very good friend of mine...you are a great girl and a good friend....*smiles and huggles*
M@ndy : My real life friend! *grin*...sorry to have dragged you into chatting girl...I did it on purpose. *laughs* I love you as a friend and I will always be there for you! *warm smile* *koc&hugs*
Methos : well, well...what is there to say about this guy? I only knew him for a short while and he is already a great friend to me...always listening, comforting...taking care off...if I put it simply...I just love this guy...*lol* Jer...you are best...*huggles**cuddles**pets*...I hope we will be friends forever...*S*
Homeros Von Hefaistos aka Mero :My dog! A Rottweiler...he is now 2 years old and he is sooo QT! He has become my best friend ever! I love him!!!
Moonie : My little babysis...she is a QT! She listens to me, she takes care of me, she pokes me...*lol* she is just the best! I love you sis and we will be sisses 4-ever...*smiles**huggles**cuddles**curls**kotc**pokes**grins*
Moni@ : My real life friend...I know you for a very long time and we've been through a lot. *s* I hope that we will have a lot of more good times in the future...and that we see eachother more often. Thanx for being a friend through all the good and the bad times...love ya!*koc&hugs*
Poison Ivy aka Mel@ncholy : You are a very dear friend of mine! We became sisters a long time ago, and I never regret that! I love you with all my heart and I miss talking to you. Marie,you've been there to help me and listen to me a lot of times!*S* Thank you ,Marie, for everything...and girlie *S* never change! I will always be there for you and I will always be your sis. We r the strongest, right?...*hugs*
Raven: I just got to know you and already I concider you as a good friend...*hugs* I hope we get to know eachother better...*S* I just love to thave those long talks with you...*smiles* Take care...*huggles*
Ronin: Awww...I just got to know this guy and he already did so much for me...*hugs* Thank you for being a friend, being there for me...to comfort and care...Just want you to know that I'll be there for you whenever you need me...*nods**huggles and lovies* take care sweetie...*nods the last time just 'coz she can**lol*
¤ Santa Claus ¤ : You are really a great friend of mine and I just love to chat with you 'cause you are always so happy and you cheer everyone else up too...*warm smile* I love to get your long letters, never stop sending them and I try to answer a bit faster next time...*grin* *hugs&koc* *smiles*
§ativa : You are a very close friend to me.*S* Always nice and comforting...always lending out a helping hand! I hope you take care of yourself and of my cyber-godson...*S* *huge hugs to both of you*
§ñøwƒÅ£çøñ : I got to know you so much better and I found something so special. You just find your way straight to my heart, and it is where you belong, sweetie! You will stay there forever!*HUGS&KISSES* Take care, honey...*S*
Soul: *smiles* You are a very good friend to me...*kotc* even if we had our misunderstandings we always seem to be able handle them and stay good friends...I hope it stays that way....and I hope we get to be on at the same time...for once...*grin**huggles* Hope to talk with you soon sweetie...*S*
Spectre: My sis and my dearest friend...*hugs & kotc* I miss you like hell...come home soon, key? I need someone to talk to...and you always listen and give me sucha good advices...*huggles* I know we will be friends forever...and Spec...Go for your dream!!! You can do it!*hugs you tight*
Tee Jay : T-J!!!! You are one of my closest friends, always taking care of me and helping me to do the right thing...I love you! I miss you though...where have you been? What are you up to? Haven't seen you in ages...*pouts* Well whatever you do, where ever you are...I hope you take care...*hugs&kisses*
Trash : Trashie!!! I love this guy! As a friend ofcourse...hehehe. He is one of the greatest persons I know. Always there to help he's friends and muture enough to talk things trough!!! You are the best Trashie!!! I love you...*hugs&kisses* Always keep you strengh and you faith and you will see that things turns out just fine at the end!*HUG* I think it's about time that we talked, right? Sign my gb...*S*
Wendy: I just got to know this girl and already we are good friends...with a great SL!*S* You are sucha good rp'er...don't let anyone tell you differently...key?!*huggles* You take care girlie and I'll see you soon...*S*
WildCat : Jimmie...Awwww Jimmie! You are the best!!!! No one have ever understood me the way you do, no one will ever understand me the way you do...I love you so much!!!!! I will never let you down my friend, you will always have a special place in my heart...always!!! You are my best friend ever!!!
"I know a flower white as snow
It can't die, it will always grow...
It is called true friendship!"
I love you Jimmie...I always will! *Hugs&kof*
Please mail me if I forgot someone here...*S*
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