[Entries 46-60] [Entries 76-90]
These folks have been in He@VeN and signed my Guestbook!
Sign Date : December 10, 1997
Name : Marie
Handle : Goddess of Melancholy
Homepage : Devine p@r@dise of Mel@ncholy
Place : Vejle
Country / State : Denmark
Comments : Hey there, my dear Sis!! *huuge huggies* When you asked me to resign your guestbook I didn't hesitate visiting your homie once more...I love you, sis, and of course we are still the very strongest sisters on the net...nothing can bring us down, we will be together forever...I'm sure of that even though we haven't seen much of each other lately...You are a great girl and I do NOT doubt that you are going to be extremely successful wherever you go *smiles proudly*...And to all of those who doesnt' really know you: It's YOUR loss...I love you, honey, and there's no way I'm ever going to let you down *koc*...-just call my name *winkie*...Again (can't seem to say it enough) Please go resign my guestbook now...I miss you so much!!
Your sister ALWAYS...Marie.
He@VeN : My dearest Sis!!! Awwww...I'm so glad you came back to my homie!!! I miss you so much and I hope we can see eachother more often...*pout* I'm so happy that I met you and that we came so close...I will never ever let you down! You are the most sweet and loveful girl I know...and I know YOU gonna make it big time!!!*Big smile* And I'll make it big time by just by being your sis...*Huge hugs* It's enough to make me famous...*grin*
I love you so much and I will always stand by you...ALWAYS!!!! JUst as you always stand by me... I hope to talk to you soon...and you gotta promise me that you take care off yourself...*Million hugs* I miss you too...very much...
We r the strongest sisters on the net and we gonna stay that way!!!*Proud to be your sis*
*Hugs&Koc* Love you...your sis...Nicki
*Off to sign your homie...pOoF*
Sign Date : December 10, 1997
Name : Roger
Handle : §ñ¢wƒÅ£ç¢ñ
Homepage : snowfalcon's nest of honor
Place : The huge Roermond
Country / State : The tiny Netherlands
Comments : Hi there Nicki,
a real master piece again. You have to watch out when you visit this page because it can take a lot of your time so huge it is. *smiles* I'm lucky I got to this page (well there was a little dwarf that showed me the way). I see you as a dear friend who was always so nice to talk to me. I can't remember having a talk with you that was not nice. You still owe me the swedish poems though! *S*. But in the end I say: Thank you for having me in your guestbook, my dear friend...
He@VeN : Snowie!!! *Runs over and hug you* It's so good to see you again!!! Thank you for those nice comments...*blush* You r to nice...
I love you as a friend and I will always stand by your side...*hugs u tight*
And about those poems...they r on they way...hehehe...
I love you, you were always so sweet and understanding...NEVER CHANGE!!!*KOC* I hope to see you more often, now that we got ICQ...*S* Take care...love ya...*Hugs&koc*
Sign Date : December 8, 1997
Name : Tonny Johan Bylund
Handle : Tee Jay
Homepage : Tee Jay´s Peak
Place : Huddinge
Country / State : Stockholm, Sweden
Comments : Hi Sweety.... Well I guess I couldn´t resist that pouting lips of yours..*S*.. Love ya....Well what can I say more than that you are the best Nicki...Like your former page this is great...Like you...*S*... well Are you happy now ?.. hope so.. Don´t wanna see you sad girl..*hugs*.
well I guess I better get back to you on the ICQ or you´ll get mad at me..*lol*... see ya... Ciao...*hugs and kisses*
He@VeN : TJ! Thank you for re-signing my page!*HUGS* I love you too...u r soooo sweet to me, always so caring and comforting...*S*
Yes, I'm happy now...*S* Thank you for being you...never change honey!!! *hugs&kisses* Take care TJ...*S* C u soon...*wink*
Sign Date : December 8, 1997
Handle : goat
Place : North Carolina
Country / State : U.S.A
Comments : Your homepage is great,.....so i thought i'd leave my mark in this little piece of cyber-He@ven you've created. I've missed you in these past months. Wish you'd stop in the NEW room every once in a while...make sure i'm not up to any mischief...:) C-Ya round, Nicki.
He@VeN : Goatie!!!*Big smile* I missed ya loads!!! Where have you been hiding? I'm so happy to see u again...*hugs u tight* Of course I will come to the NEW chatroom...I love to meet you all again.*S* And I'll see to that you don't mischief...even if I doubt you would.*S* We got to take our time and chat more often!! I'll c u soon...*hugs&koc* Take care...*S*
Sign Date : December 5, 1997
Handle : Trash«~Æ~»
Homepage : Planet Trash!
Country / State : The Netherlands
Comments : Hi Nicki. What do you say when words are not enough? I don't know, but we both know what we feel, so let's go for it... Well I've signed your guestbook again, just like you wanted me to... Now go girl!...and sign mine...*S*
He@VeN : Trashie!!! *Hugs&koc* Thanx for signing my page again...*S* Yes we both know what we feel...*happy sigh* And I guess it's about time we do something about it, eh? *Wink* I can handle the presure if u can sweetie...*kof* If you feel that words r not enough, then don't talk...just do it!*Grin* Love you...*hugs&kisses*
Sign Date : December 4, 1997
Handle : Raven
Comments : Here i am again...Well just wanna say it again i don't like christmas, why ??Must be an trumatic experiense from the child hood...*S*
He@VeN : So u don't like christmas huh? That's sad...I think it's the best day ever, all year I'm looking forward to meet Santa again!*Winks at Santa* *S*...thx for signing again, c u soon in ICQ..*hugs*
Sign Date : December 1, 1997
Name : Amin
Homepage : Don't know yet but soon I will...........
Place : Jakobsberg
Country / State : Sweden
Comments : Not bad at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jag hoppas vi kan ta fika någon i livet.......
He@VeN : *S* Thank you! Det r klart vi kan...!*Grin* It was nice talking with you...take care!
Sign Date : December 1, 1997
Handle : Raven
Place : Demius
Country / State : DM
Comments :Your site is great Hev hope to get to know you better.....
He@VeN : Thank you very much!*S* I hope to get to know you better too...*smiles* I changed my ICQ#...look me up, ok? Take care...*kram&ppk*
Sign Date : November 30, 1997
Name : Jim van Densen
Handle : WildCat
Homepage : WildCat's X-Sites
Place : Reuver
Country / State : The Netherlands
Comments : Hi there Nicki... uhm... where shall I start!? *wondering* Oh well, I'll see where this ends...*grinz* After all, there's still something like 400Kb free for your homepage...*lol* Anywayz... I'm really sorry that I'm not there to chat with you that much anymore lately... I know it's easy to look for an excuse that I'm busy with work and stuff, but I should be making time for you...*warm smile* Maybe we can agree some time or something soon enough! *warm smile* I really miss you lots...*holds you close* I think this is about the 3rd time I'm signing your Guestbook, but if the times I sign your Guestbook would be an indication of how much you mean to me, then that 400Kb would be too little...*smiles* I'm proud of you in all the things you do and what you stand for, although you make it too hard for you sometimes, then I can worry about you again! *warm smile* Which doesn't really matter 'cause I worry a lot about you! *warm smile* I know you always say you're a big
girl and you can take care of yourself, but still, I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what problem you have... I'll always stand by your side, helping you, comforting you, laughing with you and crying with you... hopefully sometimes giving some good advice too...*smiles* Just let me know whenever you need something and I'll do the best I can! *warm smile* As I know you would do for me...*smiles* I'm afraid this is getting a little long, although I don't intend to stop yet! *lol* After all, I have to let everybody know what a wonderful girl you are...*smiles* 'Cause if there's someone that really deserves the handle "He@VeN" then it's you Nicki! *warm smile* You're an angel on earth... no, not a fallen angel like you sometimes say, but an angel sent down to take care of us...*smiles* Just make sure you also protect yourself, as I'm not always around to do it... or not always able to do it! *sigh* So I guess I'd better be making an end to this entry since I've been typing for quite some time now and I don't know how long it already is! *lol* I'm looking forward to seeing you again my He@VeNlY angel...*smiles* You take good care of yourself and you have to look into that program sometimes where you get all your Guestbook entries in, I think it's called E-Mail...*big grin* What else would you do if ICQ wasn't there and you couldn't send those messages!? *lol* But I know you're pretty busy yourself too...*warm smile* So you can write me if you have some time left! *warm smile* Hmmm... seems like I'm delaying to stop this entry again...*lol* *starts talking to himself* Ok now, stop it... pull yourself together Jim! *grinz* Sooo... Nicki... No matter what happens... I'll always be there for you... you know how to contact me! *smiles* I love you for who you are... never change my dear friend... You're one of a kind...*warm smile* Love you Nicki! *hugs&kisses* Your friend forever... Jim...
He@VeN : Oh...*speachless* Oh Jimmie!!!*Runs right into your arms and hugs you so tight* I don't know what to say...*tears in her eyes* U have always been there, ever since I started chatting ages ago...and trough all this time you haven't left my side, not even once!!! I did run away from you and fought with you...*looks down ashamed over her temper* but you never once lost your temper or patience...U just held me close 'til I calmed down.*Koc* Every time I was scared you kissed my fear away, when I was sad you kissed my tears away, when I was happy you shared my happiness...*tears in her eyes* I love you so much that I wouldn't put it into words...it would make it false. U mean the world to me and I would never have gotten this far if it wasn't for you picking up the pieces every time I fall...*looking deep into your eyes* My sweet teddybear...I will always be here by your side *holding you close* I will never let you go!!
And about the e-mail...uhhmm...what is that?? Never heard off it...*rotfl* Naah...I'll mail u!!! Now I think I wrote just as long as you did...hehehe...poor ppl that r reading this.*lol*
I love you Jimmie with all of my heart and soul...*hugs&kisses*
...The Fallen Angel of yours...
Uhhmmm...about the thing you wrote in the hobbies part about getting hurt...uhhmmm...it's too late to warn me about that *sad* that's why I wanted to reach you the other day...*deep sigh*...
Sign Date : November 30, 1997
Name : Mischa
Handle : ¤ SANTA CLAUS ¤
Homepage : Santa's Hiding Place
Place : Roermond
Country / State : The Netherlands... surely the dang finest country on this planet
Comments : Hey there Nickiiiiiii!!! *hugs&koc*.... am currently in a chat with you at 11:15am on a sunday morning... I'm wondering what's wrong with us why we're chatting at the morning after the day before *lol*... I know why I am... hahaha... it's too bad we don't get to chat a whole lot, cuz you surely are a darn fine girlie!!! *smile*... well I'd better not make this too long cuz it's not nice to keep a lady waiting.. and I've been raised a good boy, you know! *l*.... hope to talk to you soon again sweedie, hang in there but tough.. but strong...or in other words... just be yourself *hugs*
He@VeN : Awwww Mischa!!!*hugs* I'm so glad you signed my book again...I've missed you!!!! You should do it from time to time so I know that you r fine, my friend!*Hugs u so tight* I don't see you so often and I think we should change that!!! It was great talking with you in ICQ today...I've missed our chats! You r a very special person to me and I hope you know that...you helped me trough a lot off tough times...*S* I will always be there for you too!!!
I love you my friend...take care!!!*Hugs&koc*
Sign Date : November 27, 1997
Name : Viktor Hunyad
Handle : Viktor
Place : Budapest
Country / State : Hungary
Comments : Hi Nicki!
Your HP getting better and better. I like it. :-)
Last time I wrote in your guestbook you promised that you would
put in a picture of you. Where is it? :-)
Take care, Viktor
He@VeN : Viktor!!! Wow it's been ages...*pinches herself to see if she r dreaming**grin* It's great to hear from u again.*Hugs u tight* I hope you r alright. I'm glad you liked my hp and I'm glad you finally found your way back to sign it again! Uhhmmm...about the pic...mail me and I'll send the addy to u!*Wink*I hope to hear from u soon. Take care sweetie...*hugs&koc* Oh and please say hi to everyone from me, ok?*S*
Sign Date : November 25, 1997
Name : Amanda Björk
Handle : Pluto
Homepage : Plutos & Stargazers Universe
Place : Helsingborg
Country / State : Sweden
Comments : Hey, I know I've already signed your guestbook, but I like it, so I'll do it again!! =)) I just love your page!!! It is prettier than ever now!! Take care girl... I donno how long time it was since I met you =( but I hope to meet you soon again!
He@VeN : Pluto!!! Wow girl, it's been ages!!!*Hugs* I hope you r fine girlie!!*S* I'm glad u liked my "new" page *S* and you can sign as many times you want!! I hope to see you soon...miss ya!*pout* Take care!!*hugs*
Sign Date : November 19, 1997
Handle : Freebird
Homepage : Free's Resort
Place : Roermond
Country / State : The Netherlands
Comments : The page looks cool. I had to put my pics on to see how everything looked, but it was worth it. *s* Well, gotta go.
He@VeN : *S* Thank you!!! I'm very proud of it myself...*grin**winks at Jimmie and Mischa* Thank you for signing and I hope to see you sometime*S*...Take care!
Sign Date : November 19, 1997
Name : Adam
Handle : Starƒox/The ƒool
Homepage : Starƒox's Homepage
Place : England
Country / State : UK
Comments : I guess you already figured out who Starƒox really is. I'm sorry for the deception, but I wasn't sure if you would want me to sign it personally. I really wanted you to know how great this homepage is, but I guess I couldn't tell you in person. Too scared, I guess. But now, I feel that I should sign it personally and let you know that this is a truely fantastic page. *s* I hope I catch up with you soon. It's been a long time. Take care *hug*
He@VeN : Hello Adam. I'm glad to see that you finally came back to us...*S* Actully I didn't know you were Starfox until yesterday when someone told me. Thank you for the nice words on my page, but you know who should have the credit for it...don't you? I know we'll meet in the chats soon...*s* and you're right, it's been a long time. Well 'til I'll see you...take care! Oh, and Adam...welcome back!!*Hugsb*
Sign Date : November 16, 1997
Name : Slash
Handle : Slash
Homepage : The Outsiders
Place : Winnipeg
Country / State : Manitoba
Comments : Cool page. Can't wait until it's completly done.
He@VeN : *S*...Thank you. I'm glad you liked it and you r welcome back to take a look when it's done! Take care....*S*
[Entries 46-60] [Entries 76-90]
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