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These folks have been in He@VeN and signed my Guestbook!

Sign Date : April 20, 1998
Name : Kim
Handle : Superman
Homepage: Ipsen's Place!
Place : Slagelse
Country / State : Denmark
Comments : Hi was really good to see you again after all this time...hope I'll get the chance again...:)'re homepage is fabolous......It's hard to put a finger on what I don't like about this page....wish I had you talent...*L*....well gotta go...hope to see you again...take care
He@VeN : Hey Kim!!!*S**HUGS* Long time no see...I couldn't believe for the world that when I return after all this time to your chatroom, I would find you...*S* I'm very glad we met again!
Thank you for those nice words about my hp!
Well I'm off to your hp...*S*...hope to see you soon again, I'll search for you in the chat.;)
Take care...*hugs*

Sign Date : April 13, 1998
Name : Wiesio Danielec
Handle : w
Homepage : Grazynka & Wiesio
Place : Kraków
Country / State : Poland
Comments :

Hello from old city of Kraków.
Click me
Have a great day and take care. Wiesiek

He@VeN : Hey Wiesiek! Thanx for visiting my page and signing the gb...*S* U take care too!*S*
Sign Date : April 6, 1998
Name : Gullan & Grodan
Handle : Vaddå Handle?
Homepage : ¿¿¿
Place : Patternträsk
Country / State : PALT
Comments : Djurgården rules, tack för kaffet, lilla du!
Vill du ta en tur i farbror Bosses fina Toyota?
He@VeN : Uhhmm...uhhmm...Hehehe...Toyota??? Bosse??? Uh..du måste ha ringt fel...detta är "JTAP,VGITÄS...=...Jourvänner Till Anonyma Pyromaner, Vars Gas I Tändaren Är Slut"...Och föresten: Gnaget Rules!!! *LOL* Så helt fel nummer...försök igen...och föresten #2, det är upptaget: tut-tut-tut-tut...hehehe
Sign Date : April 5, 1998
Handle : ßLãZê ðƒ GLø®¥
Homepage : ßLãZê ðƒ GLø®¥'s Homepage
Place : The Burning Desert
Country / State : My Twisted Thoughts
Comments :
  • Hey Nicki *s* Thanks for signing my guestbook. Seeing as you were so kind to sign mine, I thought that I should return that kindness. So here I am. Hope that's ok *s* It was good to see you again in Gen X. I'm glad to see you doing so well. May I just say, this place looks GREAT ! A hell of a lot of work has gone into this page. Ooops, hehehe, I mean a whole lot of work *s* Sorry about that. I keep forgetting I'm in heaven. *whispers* Don't say the 'H' word *lol* Anyway, that's enough from me *s* You take care and hopefully we'll see each other again soon. Mail me sometime and let me know what you're up to.
    BTW, in answer to your question...ALWAYS soulmates *warm smile*

    ßLãZê ðƒ GLø®¥

    ßLãZê ðƒ GLø®¥'s Homepage

  • He@VeN : Hey there...finally you found your way back here, huh?*S* Well you are welcome...always. First of all you ought to know that to be in heaven one have to visit hell...Been there, done a word like HELL isn't scaring me off...hehehe...never will!
    Thank you for signing my book and do keep on signing from time to time, and I promise to do the same...just so we can keep a track on eachother.*S* It was nice to see you the other day and I know we will meet *sings* Keep the faith...
    Take care!!! *Hugs*

    ...always soulmates...sounds so nice...*S*

    Sign Date : April 4, 1998
    Handle : Trash«~Æ~»
    Homepage : Planet Trash!
    Country / State : Holland
    Comments : I was around, so I decided to sign it again.*S* Good job Nicki, glad we are such good friends!*wink* So you are my date for the party right?
    He@VeN : I am your date for the party for sure...*S* And Trashie...I'm glad we are close friends too!*Winks back* *hugs&kisses* thx for signing my book home is your home, sweetie.*S*
    Sign Date : March 29, 1998
    Name : Christian
    Handle : noname
    Homepage : Christian's World
    Place : Texas
    Country / State : U,S,
    Comments : Wow!!!! You have an excellent page, If I gave out awards you would get one. I have yet to find somebody that share alot of the same interests as me. If you have the time why dont you come and visit me, I can almost promise you wont be dissapointed.
    He@VeN : *S* Hi again! Thank you for those nice comments. I don't need any awards...that isn't why I keep my HP up, but thank you anyway. I will visit your page asap...hope to meet you sometime.*S* Take care...
    Sign Date : March 29, 1998
    Name : Christian
    Handle : noname
    Homepage : Christian's World
    Place : Texas
    Country / State : U.S.
    Comments :

    Wow, you have an excellent page, You are also the first person that share alot of the same interests as me, for example authors and movies. Anyways, come visit me sometime just roll the cursor over the magic banner and you are there already. Dont be afraid of the banner.

    He@VeN : *S* It's so good to meet someone with the same interests as I. Of course I will visit can't scare me that easely...hehehe. Thank you for visiting me and you are welcome back anytime. Take care!
    BTW I love the music...what is it?*S*

    Sign Date : March 20, 1998
    Name : Belle
    Handle : Vad...?
    Homepage : Belle´s otroligt eminenta fantastiska fina sida
    Place : Bellelandet men befinner mig just nu i Jakobsberg
    Country / State : Swiden
    Comments : Ja du vet att jag tycker att den är underbar..Man liksom svävar bort..(vad har jag tagit) Nu är det vår och det är så underbart..(men med min otur så lär det ju börja snöa i morrn) Nåja..Jag vill ner till "söderhavet" Tjofläng häng...."robin" tyckte inte om mig i morse..Undrar om han/hon kommer vara lika besvärlig när han ser dagens ljus...Nä han tycker inte om mig nu heller..Måste åka hem och äta innan jag dör av svält.. Kram..Belle och "robin"
    He@VeN : Belle!!!! Robin!!! *kramar nästan ihjäl er båda* äntligen är ni här igen!!! På min sida alltså...hehehe...kul att du är i Jakan, vad är det för en bondhåla??? Aaaaldrig hört talas om...*blink* Så har du tagit ngt??? Utan att bjuda?? Fyyy dig!!! Och du våga inte sticka till ngn söderhavs Ö utan mig, hör du det??? Då kommer jag efter och hugger snoppen av dig...eller nått...hehehe...Robin är besvärlig för han/hon börjar få reda på vad som väntar han/hon...denna grymma värld med brustna hjärtan, hat...o.s.v....skulle inte du vara besvärlig i hans/hennes ställe, va? Fast vi är ju här för att rädda honom/henne...*tänker sig själv och Belle i skinande rusting på vita springare**asgarv* wow, vilken hallis...hehehe
    Ta hand om er och kom snart och hälsa på mig igen...både här och IRL...*tusen kramar*

    Sign Date : March 17, 1998
    Handle : Jepson
    Homepage : Jepson's Outlet (under serious reconstruction)
    Place : You know!! *wink*
    Country / State : Where angels live
    Comments : Hi He@ven. I´m back...*wink*...again..*smile*
    I´ll be there for You whenever, whatever, however and ever. *hugs&kisses* But I guess You already knew that one, right??
    This page really look great!!!! Take care hon! Jepson is off to another hmm adventure or something...*giggles*
    He@VeN : You are welcome here anytime honey!*hugs&kisses back* I know that you are there for me, you already proved that!!! I will always be there for you too...always! Keep that in mind...*hugs and kisses again* Take care sugar!
    Sign Date : March 15, 1998
    Name : Jessica Faraguna
    Homepage : Adams Space In Cyberspace
    Place : Anderstorp
    Country / State : Sweden
    Comments : Tjena Heaven!
    Längtar du inte tillbaka till de småländska mörka skogarna? -) Synd att du inte följde med till Parken för det var faktiskt kul. Snygg hemsida, du har ju talang!!!!!
    Take care!
    He@VeN : Hej!!! Kul att ni äntligen hittade hit!*S* Visst längtar jag tillbaka...till och från. *Flinar* Ni har det ju så lungt och skönt där...;-) Vi var faktiskt utanför Parken, men ångrade oss i sista minuten...det hade varit kul! Vi får ta det nästa gång! Ta hand om er och hä ses!
    Sign Date : March 15, 1998
    Name : Roger
    Handle : §ñøwƒÅ£çøñ
    Homepage : SnowFalcon's nest of honour
    Place : The Netherlands
    Country / State : Europe *l*
    Comments : Hello Nicki,
    fan vad gud har skapat dej val. *S* Couldn't leave without signing your guestbook again since I've been coming to your page a lot lately. I think it's great to know you a little more now and though I don't even know 25 percent of you, I'm looking forward to knowing you more (if you let me that is *smiles*). Thank God there's a thing called icq on which I found you again. You are heaven to me and I like it so much. I'm not sure how you do it but you've managed it to put a smile on my face every time I talk to you. Surely hope I can see more of he@ven in the future *S*
    He@VeN : Awwww Roger!*hugs&kotc* welcome back to my page! You are so sweet to me and I'm really happy that you found me in ICQ again...after all that time.*S* I love getting to know you better and hon, I love to put a smile on your face...*Hugs* I know I haven't been on to much lately, but I told you why...someone needs me more then the net does. I promise I'll come back and send you a msg asap, o-tay? *hugs&kisses* Take care and see you soon!
    Sign Date : March 8, 1998
    Name : Zylonzoo
    Handle : Zylonzoo aka Zz
    Homepage : RockshacK 98
    Place : RockshacK 98
    Country / State : Philippines
    Comments : Hey! It'z me Zz! Wazzup?? Cool page! I wonder what program u used in making those killer fonts..well, just want to dropped by and check out a maui chatter. Goodluck to you and more power to your page. Keep it up coz it looks great!
    Zylonzoo - f a d e s
    He@VeN : Hey Zz!!!*Hugs* long time no see...*S* How are you? Hope everything is fine with you! Thank you for those nice words on my page...*S* The programs we used on the fonts was: Adobe Photoshop 4.0 & plugins...*S* And your page rocks!!!!Hope to see you soon again...take care!
    Sign Date : March 3, 1998
    Name : Jim van Densen
    Handle : WildCat
    Homepage : WildCat's X-Sites
    Place : Reuver
    Country / State : The Netherlands / Limburg
    Comments : Hi Nicki... well, here I am... at your service! *lol* You (rightly) asked me to sign your Guestbook again, so I'm gonna make an attempt to do just that! *grinz* It's already been more than a year ago since we first met and I don't regret a single moment of it! *warm smile* You've been a wonderful friend and we've had some ups and downs... but who doesn't have those!? *warm smile* We're friends now and we'll be friends forever... and don't ever think you've lost me... 'cause how could I lose an angel!? *smiles* I can keep on writing here I guess... or maybe not...*lol* Hmmm... should I mention in here that I'm jealous of the people that met you in real life!? *grinz* *glances at Tonny and Giza* Naaah... better not mention it...*lol* Anywayz... I'm taking up enough space as it is and I have to update this Guestbook so you can add all those entries...*smiles* So, I'm off now... and I'll see you soon... Love you with all my heart my friend... *hugs&kisses* Jim
    He@VeN : Jimmie!!! Am I happy to see you again?!!*S* It felt great to talk to you again the other day, after all this time...*HUGS* And I'm sorry I worried about us, but you know me...*grin* Deep down inside I'll always know that you love me and that we will be best friends forever, and you know the same about me...hehehe...though you DON'T have your doubts...hehehe. I love you Jimmie, with all my heart and soul and I will always love you. I would do anything for you, you know that. Yes we had our ups and downs, but hey...who doesn't and what don't kill us make us stronger, so I guess our friendship grows stronger and stronger every day...*warm smile* I miss you loads and I guess I'm the one to blame, partly...hehehe...I will work on those e-mails, promise! You take care of yourself and of Sanity, I wish all the luck in the world for you both...
    I love you, and forever!*hugs&kisses*

    The Fallen Angel of yours

    Sign Date : March 1, 1998
    Handle : wissdom
    Place : stocholm
    Country / State : sverige
    Comments : i dont know much but i know you...
    He@VeN : *S* Yeah you know me! This guy and I were classmates for about 5 years...thank you for visiting my page! Take care!*S* Hope to see you again soon...*S*
    Sign Date : February 28, 1998
    Name : Roxanne
    Handle : Pom Mom
    Homepage : Kissami Kennel
    Place : Hebron
    Country / State : IN
    Comments : Very nice! But I'm in Heaven. Every time I look into one of my puppydogs' eyes, I know I've found my destiny!! Come and see for yourself!

    He@VeN : *S* I believe you! They are so sweet!*S* And ofcourse we all create our own heaven...or hell. I can see you've found your own heaven...thanx for visiting me! Take care of yourself and of the puppys...*S*

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