Thanks for stopping by and now since you're here we'd like to tell you a
little about our channel and us.
#WolfDen is located on the GalaxyChat IRC
No flooding users/channel ops
No harrassing users/channel ops
No advertising
No asking/begging for ops
No excessive caps
Have fun
Smurf94 | ShadoWolf | Moesha |
Aspen | Drac | |
Obiwan | cyclone | Sentry |
Please take a moment and sign our guestbook
by clicking on the image below
To get to #WolfDen open up you irc client
(if you don't have one we suggest for windows mIRC
or PIRCH and for macs Ircle)
and type
/server Pensacola.FL.US.GalaxyChat.Org
once connected to GalaxyChat type
/join #WolfDen
Awarded to this site on 11/14/1997 | Awarded to this site on 11/18/1997 |
Awarded to this site for the month of September 1999 |
This site has been hit times since coming to GeoCities
Page designed and maintained by ShadoWolf
Page created on: Sun May 25 02:45:32 1997
This page hosted by GeoCities