
National Trombone Day!

(If it's May 6th)

May 6th is National Trombone Day. May 6, 1998 is the 1st annual celebration of this holiday (it was recently made up by the trombone section at John Marshall High School). So what is there to know about trombones, you say? Well, take a look at some of my crappy scans!

We're a bunch of fun-loving people. It's a well-known fact that the trombone is the greatest instrument in all music (though just because you play it doesn't mean you're the coolest person on earth). Here we are playing with our mouthpieces and plungers.

Sometimes we get too rowdy and we have to be punished. Our punishment of choice is the ever-popular spanking.

Trombone players need a lot of love. If you see one, give him/her a hug.

If you don't, we get all sad and depressed.

If you have anything you'd like to see up here (pics, info, etc), send it to me!

We're always looking for a few good boners, so if you think you're up to playing a wacky instrument and doing lots of weird stuff, go for it!

The cast of goofballs you have just seen includes: Justin Schneider, Eric Trumet, Anna Rodriguez, Jonathan Greer, and Andrew Mahamuth.

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