Yeah, how's that for the least-descript label ever? Well, give it time and maybe I'll change it. I was looking at the original front page and realized it reeks a little much of the high-school-cum-early-college mode in which it was created. Yes, I admit it, I was embarrassed by it. I keep it as marker of who I was (and, yes, I admit this too, I still kind of like it), but for my MAIN page, I wanted something a little, well, simpler.
Below are the things I'd really rather draw people's attention to, and the main reasons I continue to maintain this account, even though I don't do regular "maintenance" on it.
You can contact me via email at shawn dot trivette at gmail dot com.
At the bottom of the page is my google calendar.
Interesting pictures
Some academic stuff
Some of my music
Other music
Some of my (better*) writing
Stories - Fiction
Essays and Term Papers (Note that all are in Microsoft Word (.doc) format; none of these are really "publishable")
* Or at least more entertaining
Page last updated: March 25, 2009