- Sunday: nasal and head congestion
- Monday: worse congestion, body pain, headache, delirious sleep, hot and cold flashes, no appetite; diagnosed as a sinus infection – took antibiotics and decongestant
- Tuesday: better at first, but wore out with morning activity at Tikal, took more decongestant and napped – better, but weak and slow and a cough had developed, with a mild tightness of the chest and still diminished appetite
- Wednesday: felt mildly unstable on bus – not nauseous, just unbalanced; felt better on arrival to island, but still wore out easily. Able to stop taking decongestant by evening, but chest tightness and cough were getting worse, plus still small appetite. Food doesn't make me sick or nauseous, it just has absolutely no appeal either as I start to eat or if I eat too fast – or sometimes just thinking about eating. I've not been hungry and food has been mostly turning me off – though I have been eating – just very little; oh, took last (of 3) antibiotic this morning; periodic (mild) lightheadedness
- Thursday: A few times of nose running, but mostly due to wind. I feel fine if I've been resting for a while, but after only a little walking around at a moderate pace I'm tired again and also often feel digestively unbalanced (again, not nauseous, ut like something in my gut is out of whack). I get light-headed easily. Again, no appetite, and when it does come (with real hunger) it's short-lived. Biggest problem: deep, heavy cough has worsened, along with chest tightness, which I now describe as chest congestion. It feels like a little gremlin is sitting just behind the front of my ribcage making everything tight (actually, it got this way last night). My asthma inhaler doesn't really do much (and it's not an asthma feeling – it's like something external to my lungs, but very localized to my middle upper chest – and almost throat – is causing this, not asthma).
The chest thing feels like it developed after and in addition to the sinus infection, which I think is now clear. If this continues into next week, this record may be useful when I got to UHS.
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