IHP Comments

1. I would feel comfortable working closely with a male homosexual.
2 - it's not contagious last time I checked

2. I would enjoy attending a social function at which homosexuals were present.
3 - depends on the function

3. I would feel uncomfortable if I learned that my neighbor was homosexual.
4 - frankly I couldn't care less...except that my neighbor is a female

4. If a member of my sex made a sexual advance toward me I would feel angry.
4 -angry no, uncomfortable yes...o

5. I would feel comfortable knowing that I was attractive to members of my sex.
4- heck yeah! if I look good to a gay man, what do i look like to a straight woman?

6. I would feel uncomfortable being seen in a gay bar.
2 - I doubt it. Why? because knowing my luck I'd get hit on...every 30 the same ugly, drunken guy. Not the "cute" one in the corner...

7. I would feel comfortable if a member of my sex made an advance toward me.
4 - see number 4

8. I would be comfortable if I found myself attracted to a member of my sex.
1 - I'm attracted to lots of people, including guys...but not sexually...

9. I would feel disappointed if I learned that my child was homosexual.
3 - dissapointed in what?

10. I would feel nervous being in a group of homosexuals.
4 - not that I know of. Unless a wild orgy breaks out...then I jump to 1...but then again I'd feel the same way with heteros

11. I would feel comfortable knowing that my clergyman was homosexual.
4 - he he he...talking about "Priest"

12. I would deny to members of my peer group that I had friends who were homosexual.
4 - never really bothered me. I don't know why it's bother me either (he he he...peer group of 1)

13. I would feel that I had failed as a parent if I learned that my child was gay.
5 - parent no...spiritual leader...yes

14. If I saw two men holding hands in public I would feel disgusted.
3 - disgusted no...

15. If a member of my sex made an advance toward me I would be offended.
4 - offended no, uncomfortable if I wasn't attracted to them...of course an immediant 1 if it's purely sex they want

16. I would feel comfortable if I learned that my daughter's teacher was a lesbian.
3 - don't have a daughter...doubt it...unless she was hitting on her or trying to force a view upon her...

17. I would feel uncomfortable if I learned that my spouse or partner was attracted to members of his or her sex.
2 - Was I that bad?!?

18. I would like to have my parents to know that I had gay friends.
3 - I really don't care

19. I would feel uncomfortable kissing a close friend of my sex in public.
2 - my family isn't a kissing family...heck, we don't hug much either...I don't even kiss my female friends...hugs to everyone when they happen though

20. I would like to have friends of my sex who were homosexual.
3 - I don't care...does it

21. If a member of my sex made an advance toward me I would wonder if I were homosexual.
4 - nope...although I'd suspect them

22. I would feel comfortable if I learned that my best friend of my sex was homosexual.
2 - it's between them and God...not them and me...even if my views don't agree with it...

23. If a member of my sex made an advance toward me I would feel flattered.
2 - see 5

24. I would feel uncomfortable knowing that my son's male teacher was homosexual.
3 - see 16

25. I would feel comfortable working closely with a female homosexual.
2 - see 1

Bonus question: The Kinsey scale is a scale designed in the 1940s by Dr. Henry Kinsy relating to a person's sexual orientation. The scale ranges from zero (0) to six (6) with zero being absolute heterosexual, 6 being absolute homosexual, and 3 being perfect bisexual. Using up to one decimal place (i.e., 3.5, 4.1, 0.3, etc.), where would you place yourself on the kinsey scale?

Based on my knowledge of Kinsey and his methods of research, I have come to the descision that he was an idiot. He used questionable methods to discover the sexuality of small, impressionable children. Strangly enough his "research" supported his claims, even though it has been discounted many times. The problem is, because his claims support genetic/mental homosexuality, pedophilia, nymphomania and various other sexual choices instead of the concept that the people afflicted have some responsibility or mental trauma causing the condition, his research is immediatly accepted. This keeps us from being responsible for our actions, and gives us an excuse to practice free love. But if you'd like me to use the scale, I will...hmm...I've seen a naked man...but it didn't do anything for me. Nakid woman...2nd brain goes into full alert. Seen a plug, and seen a socket...preferred socket...hmm...enjoy nice hair...that goes either way....hmm...ah yes...a big factor...i'm a breast man...end score...0.31415926


1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 4
5. 4
6. 2
7. 4
8. 1
9. 3
10. 4
11. 4
12. 4
13. 5
14. 3
15. 4
16. 3
17. 2
18. 3
19. 2
20. 3
21. 4
22. 2
23. 2
24. 3
25. 2
Bonus: 0.31415926

Thank you again very much for participating. I hope to hear from you soon.

soon enough?

Hope you enjoyed my anwsers as much as I did...he he he. I'm kindof curious as to the final tally. Oh and of course, as to what prompted you to do this. As to my official stance on homosexuality, which is what the ultimate goal of this whole concept is I'm guessing...find people's ideas about you and your life...well here it is...if you dare read it...

Matt Couch's manifesto on Homosexuality
"Homosexuality (or more presisly man/man or woman/woman sexual relations...not just attraction) is wrong. This is said quite planly in the Bible (which is my supreme source of God's thoughts on everything). I have nothing against homosexuals, the way I see it, their lifestyle choice is between them and God (even if they don't think He's there. I don't have to believe in you for you to exist) and I will be happy to help them with that, but only by their will. I will never force my views upon anyone...that's up to God, but I'm happy to talk freely about them. I'll tolorate homosexuality, but I don't have to agree with it."
---end manifesto---

Matt Couch

P.S. my anwser's are open viewing. I hate to let my hard (ha!) work go to waist[sic] 1