Activism and Support Groups
Soul Force
Lambda Legal
The Day of Silence Project
Allies A UT-Martin Group
BGALA A UT-Memphis Group
Spectrum A UT-Chattanooga Group
ORU-Out An Oral Roberts University Group
Matthew Shepard International
The Mellinial March on Washington
Delta Lambda Phi
Alpha Lambda Tau
Gay College Boys Groups and Organizations
Gay Christian
Justin's World
Spiritual Fruits
Rainbow Baptists
What the Bible Says about Homosexuality
Gay Bible Interpretation
A Decision Without Vision A sermon I found...good one, too!
Other Religious and Gays
Gays & Lesbians in Wicca
Gay Marriage
Hawaii same sex marriage issue
More on Hawaii
Vermont's freedom to marry task force (They did a good job, huh?)
The Human Rights Campaign on Marriage
A listing of sodomy laws by state
Tennessee Gay Resources
Tennessee by Gayscape
Gay/Lesbian Life in Johnson City, TN
Timberfell Lodge